Sandeep Chauhan

Thursday 24 July 2014

Hibernate Locking(with version and time stamp)

The <version> property (or @Version annotation)

For those of you that use Hibernate today, you are probably aware that Hibernate can provide optimistic locking through a version property on your persistent objects.  Furthermore, the version property is automatically managed by Hibernate.
To specify a version for your persistent object, simply add a version (or timestamp) property in your mapping file and add a version attribute to your persistent class.  Here is an example on a Product class.
public class Product {
    private long id;
    private String name;
    private String model;
    private double cost;
    private long version;

<hibernate-mapping package=”com.intertech.domain”>
  <class name=”Product”>
          <id name=”id”>
            <generator class=”native” />
        <version name=”version” type=”long” />
        <property name=”name” not-null=”true” />
        <property name=”model” not-null=”true” />
        <property name=”cost” type=”double”/>
For those using annotations, just mark the version property’s getter in the class with the @Version annotation.
@Version public long getVersion() {
    return version;
The version property on the class can be numeric (short, int, or long) or timestamp or calendar.  However, another configuration element is provided for timestamps or calendars (covered below).
With automatic versioning (and version set to a numeric), Hibernate will use the version number to check that the row has not been updated since the last time it was retrieved when updating the persistent object (Product in this example).  Notice the extra where “and version = X” clause below, when a product from above is updated.
    /* update */ update
            and version=?
If the version has been updated, Hibernate throws a StaleObjectStateException and the transaction (and any persistent object changes) rollback.  If the update commits without issue, Hibernate also increments the version number automatically (note the “set version = ?” as part of the update clause above).

Hibernate versus the Database Managing the Version

Under this configuration and in this example, Hibernate (from within your Java application) is managing the version number.  However, some DBA’s may prefer to have the version controlled by database rather than Hibernate, especially when the database may be a timestamp and the application is distributed to multiple systems (maybe even timezones).  If the Hibernate application is on different systems that are not time synchronized, the timestamp generated by each system might be different thereby generating improper optimistic lock success or failures.  To inform Hibernate to have the database manage the version, include a generated=”always” attribute in the Hibernate mapping of the persistent object.
<hibernate-mapping package=””>
  <class name=”Product”>
          <id name=”id”>
            <generator class=”native” />
        <version name=”version” type=”long” generated=”always”/>
        <property name=”name” not-null=”true” />
        <property name=”model” not-null=”true” />
        <property name=”cost” type=”double”/>
Hibernate will now defer to the database to generate the necessary version and update the persistent object’s row accordingly.  A warning is in order however.  This will cause Hibernate to issue an extra SQL to get the version number back from the database after a successful update or insert.  Note the extra SQL issued below after a successful update of a product (Hibernate even comments it to indicate why it is needed).  You might also note that the version number is not set as above when updating the product.  Again, Hibernate is now totally deferring to the database to manage this property.
Of important note, not all dialects (i.e. databases) support the managing of the version number.  HSQLDB, for example, does not allow the version number to be controlled from the database.
    /* update */ update
            and version=?
    /* get generated state */ select
        product_.version as version8_
        Product product_

Timestamps for Version

In many situations, your DBA or organization may prefer a timestamp to be used as the version indicator.  In theory, the timestamp is a little less safe than a version number.  This is because a timestamp can, in theory, be updated by two transactions at the exact same time (depends on the precision of the database) and allow both to update causing a last in wins scenario (violating the optimistic lock).  It can also be argued that timestamps also take up more space in the database.  Depending on the dialect, the use of a timestamp may incur an additional hit of the database to get the timestamp.  However, on the plus side, timestamps provide useful information about the “when” a row was last altered.  In cases of auditing or record tracking, this might be important information.  Version numbers don’t provide any context for when an update occurred.
If a timestamp is useful, change your version property to be a java.util.Date or Calendar and use a <timestamp> (rather than using a <version>) element in the mapping file.
public class Product {

    private Date version;

<hibernate-mapping package=””>
  <class name=”Product”>
          <id name=”id”>
            <generator class=”native” />
        <!–<version name=”version” type=”timestamp” generated=”always”/>–>
        <timestamp name=”version” source=”db”/>         <property name=”name” not-null=”true” />
        <property name=”model” not-null=”true” />
        <property name=”cost” type=”double”/>
The <version type=timestamp”> and <timestamp> are equivalent, but it might help the reader to better see/understand that the version is an effectivity timestamp versus a numerical indicator.
You might also notice the source=”db” in the mapping configuration above.  The source attribute can be set to “vm” (for virtual machine) or “db” (for database).  When set to “db”, the database creates and manages the version timestamp (equivalent to generated=”always”) above.  As mentioned above, in the case of the database managing the version timestamp, your application may incur an additional hit of the database as Hibernate must first retrieve the timestamp before updating the row.  Further, as the Hibernate documentation says:  “Not all Dialects are known to support the retrieval of the database’s current timestamp.”

Optimistic Locking without a Version

Your application may need to deal with a legacy database and the database cannot be altered to contain a version (numeric or timestamp) column.  In this case, Hibernate provides two additional options for optimistic lock management.  You can use all the fields of the persistent object to check that nothing in a row was modified before updating a row.  Set the optimistic-lock=”all” attribute (and dynamic-update=”true”) in the <class> element to use this approach.  The SQL issued by Hibernate will then use each property as a check in the where clause as shown below.
    /* update */ update
            and name=?
            and model=?
            and cost=?
comparison of the state of all fields in a row but without a version or timestamp property mapping, turn on optimistic-lock="all" in the <class> mapping
As a slight alternative to this approach, you can set optimistic-lock=”dirty” and then Hibernate will only use modified columns as part of the optimistic check (see below).  This last approach actually allows to transactions to update the same object concurrently legally, but only if they are modifying different columns – something that might be advantageous in a larger application setting where many people are accessing the same objects (thus rows) but rarely updating the same properties (columns).
    /* update
        com.intertech.domain.Product */ update
            and name=?
See the Hibernate documentation for more details on these alternatives to versioning.

Hibernate Locking

Hibernate Optimistic Locking

The question I would like to address in this post is about Hibernate optimistic locking, optimistic locking with no special version number or timestamp.  While pessimistic locking is an available option in Hibernate to address concurrency control, for most enterprise applications, optimistic locking is the preferred choice.  As the Hibernate documentation states:
The only approach that is consistent with high concurrency and high scalability, is optimistic concurrency control with versioning”
Hibernate can provide optimistic locking via version number or effectivity timestamp.  To learn more about either approach, you can see an earlier post of mine, or check out the Hibernate documentation.   Optimistic locking via version number or effectivity timestamp is automatically managed by Hibernate.  Simply provide the column to hold the version or timestamp, add the optimistic lock characteristics to your Hibernate mapping (via XML or annotations), and Hibernate does the rest.

Optimistic Locking sans Version or Timestamp

However, there may be situations whereby adding a version number or timestamp column to your database table is not possible.  This might be the case when a legacy database is in place and many applications use the table and cannot or will not be updated to use a new version/timestamp column for optimistic locking.  In this case, Hibernate can compare the column values of a table row against the state of the persistent object to check that nothing in a row was modified before updating the row.  There are two forms of this state-checking optimistic locking:  all-state-check or dirty-state-check.

Optimistic-lock = ‘all’

When you set the optimistic-lock attribute on the <class> element in the Hibernate mapping file to the value ‘all’ (as shown on the Vehicle class mapping below), you are informing Hibernate to check that no column in the associated row has changed since the persistent object was retrieved and before updating the row in the database.
   1: <hibernate-mapping package="com.intertech.domain">
   2:     <class name="Vehicle" dynamic-update="true" optimistic-lock="all">
   3:         <id name="id">
   4:             <generator class="increment" />
   5:         </id>
   6:         <property name="make" />
   7:         <property name="model" />
   8:         <property name="vin" />
   9:     </class>
  10: </hibernate-mapping>
For example, say you used Hibernate to obtain an instance of Vehicle and then updated it’s make as shown by the code below.
   1: SessionFactory sf = new Configuration().configure()
   2:         .buildSessionFactory();
   3: Session sess = sf.openSession();
   4: Transaction trx = sess.beginTransaction();
   5: Vehicle v = (Vehicle) sess.get(Vehicle.class, 1L);
   6: v.setMake("ford");
   7: sess.saveOrUpdate(v);
   8: trx.commit();
   9: sess.close();
Hibernate would actually use all the existing persistent object values (the last known state values) to form the SQL where-clause used in the update call.  Note that every column is mentioned in the where-clause of the example, even the old value of the changed property (make in this case).  If any other concurrent activity on this row changed the data of the row (or deleted the row), Hibernate would detect this by the fact that the where-clause would fail to match the row (resulting in a StaleObjectStateException.
   1: Hibernate:
   2:     update
   3:         Vehicle
   4:     set
   5:         make='Kia'
   6:     where
   7:         id=1
   8:         and make='Ford'
   9:         and model='SUV'
  10:         and vin=12345

Optimistic-lock = ‘dirty’

As an alternative, you can also allow Hibernate to only use modified or dirty properties in the where-clause of the update.  When mapping the persistent class, set the optimistic-lock attribute to a value of ‘dirty’ (as shown below).
   1: <hibernate-mapping package="com.intertech.domain">
   2:     <class name="Vehicle" dynamic-update="true" optimistic-lock="dirty">
   3:         <id name="id">
   4:             <generator class="increment" />
   5:         </id>
   6:         <property name="make" />
   7:         <property name="model" />
   8:         <property name="vin" />
   9:     </class>
  10: </hibernate-mapping>
Hibernate now uses only the last known state values of modified persistent object properties to form the SQL where-clause used in the update call.  As an example, assume this code is used to update a Vehicle’s make and model state.
   1: SessionFactory sf = new Configuration().configure()
   2:         .buildSessionFactory();
   3: Session sess = sf.openSession();
   4: Transaction trx = sess.beginTransaction();
   5: Vehicle v = (Vehicle) sess.get(Vehicle.class, 1L);
   6: v.setMake("Chevy");
   7: v.setModel("sedan");
   8: sess.saveOrUpdate(v);
   9: trx.commit();
  10: sess.close();
The update SQL only includes checks of the existing row’s make and model columns, that is the dirty properties.
   1: Hibernate:
   2:     update
   3:         Vehicle
   4:     set
   5:         make='Chevy',
   6:         model='sedan'
   7:     where
   8:         id=1
   9:         and make='Kia'
  10:         and model='SUV'
This alternative allows other concurrent processes to update the same row so long as they do not modify the same columns.  For example, another application could be updating the vin number of our vehicle at the same time we are updating the make and model and neither of the applications suffer a concurrency error.  The merits of allowing this type of simultaneous update are questionable (at best).  From a business perspective, only you can determine if modifications that do not conflict constitute change that should cause a concurrency failure or not.  Hibernate provides the options, you must determine whether the technology fits with your definition of protecting against concurrent change issues.

Dynamic-update must be True

It should be noted that in both of these non-version/timestamp optimistic locking options, you must enable dynamic-update (set the dynamic-update=’true’ attribute) in the class mapping as shown above.  This is because Hibernate cannot generate the SQL for these update statements at application startup (it wouldn’t know what to include in the update statement where-clauses until a change is actually made).

Big Limitations of Non-Version/Timestamp Optimistic Locking

Regardless of whether you use the optimistic-lock=all or optimistic-lock=dirty strategy, there are some big limitations to Hibernate’s optimistic locking that does not use version numbers or timestamps.

No Detached

When you close a session, Hibernate loses its persistence context and ability to track what changes on the objects.  Therefore, you cannot use the optimistic-lock=all or optimistic-lock=dirty option unless you retrieve and modify the persistent object in the same session (i.e. persistence context).  If you attempt to get a persistent object in one session, detach the object and then update the object in another session, you will actually create a situation of potentially catastrophic last-in-wins updates.  For example, try this code with optimistic-lock set to ‘all’ on the Vehicle class mapping.
   1: SessionFactory sf = new Configuration().configure()
   2:         .buildSessionFactory();
   3: Session sess = sf.openSession();
   4: Transaction trx = sess.beginTransaction();
   5: Vehicle v = (Vehicle) sess.get(Vehicle.class, 1L);
   6: trx.commit();
   7: sess.close();
   8: System.out.println("vehicle now detached: " + v);
  10: v.setVin(7890);
  12: //reattach and update
  13: sess = sf.openSession();
  14: trx = sess.beginTransaction();
  15: sess.saveOrUpdate(v);
  16: trx.commit();
  17: sess.close();
  18: System.out.println("vehicle saved again: " + v);
When Hibernate reattaches the Vehicle object and brings it back into the persistence context in the second session, it actually does the unthinkable, it synchronizes (i.e. updates) every column of the associated row without checking to see if it was updated by some other concurrent process!  Last in wins and no concurrency check!!!
   1: Hibernate:
   2:     update
   3:         Vehicle
   4:     set
   5:         make='Chevy',
   6:         model='sedan',
   7:         vin=7890
   8:     where
   9:        id=1

Not JPA Standard

Wonder why I haven’t shown you the annotation form of this non-version optimistic locking yet?  If you are currently using annotations to provide all of your object-database mappings, you will also be disappointed to learn JPA does not support optimistic locking outside of versioning (by number or timestamp).  So there are no JPA annotations to perform optimistic locking by field or dirty fields.  There is, however, a Hibernate annotations that can be used.  When mapping, add a parameter to the org.hibernate.annotations.Entity annotation to specify how to perform optimistic locking (as shown here).
   1: @Entity
   2: @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(dynamicUpdate = true,
   3:         optimisticLock = OptimisticLockType.ALL)
   4: public class Vehicle {
   5:   // ...
   6: }
Of course, this annotation requires a Hibernate import and more tightly couples your domain class to Hibernate.

It’s Slower

Additionally, note that using all-column or dirty-column checks as part of the where-clause is a little slower.  When updating a single persistent object every so often, the speed may not be an issue.  But in systems dealing with large numbers of transactions, every millisecond counts.

Wrap Up

As you can see, Hibernate can perform some real time and code-saving work when it comes to optimistic locking.  The several options allow for you to pick a concurrent strategy in-line with your system architecture and business needs.  But under most circumstances, Hibernate optimistic locking without a version or timestamp will not work for highly concurrent, highly scalable applications, and doesn’t that pretty much describe most enterprise application needs today?  If you need more help on Hibernate, contact Intertech and consider taking our Complete Hibernate class.

Monday 16 September 2013

How hashmap works in java

HashMap is most favorite topic for discussion in interviews now-a-days.I am sharing with you as much i know about it.
May be it'll help you.

Lets start...
This is for those who has some basic Understanding about hashmap.if you do not have as much understanding about then click on the link:- Hashmap Basics

Sections in this post
Answer in just a Line
Understanding Hashing
Some taste of Entry class
How put() method works
How get() method works
Key Notes to remember

Single statement answer

Answer in just a Line:- “On principle of Hashing“. As simple as it is. Now before answering it, one must be very sure to know at least basics of Hashing. Right??
What is Hashing

Hashing in its simplest form, is a way to assigning a unique code for any variable/object after applying any formula/algorithm on its properties. A true Hashing function must follow this rule:

Hash function should return the same hash code each and every time, when function is applied on same or equal objects. In other words, two equal objects must produce same hash code consistently.

Note: All objects in java inherit a default implementation of hashCode() function defined in Object class. This function produce hash code by typically converting the internal address of the object into an integer, thus producing different hash codes for all different objects.

Read more here : Working with hashcode() and equals()

Some taste of Entry class:-

Remember map by definition is : “An object that maps keys to values”. Very easy.. right?

So, there must be some mechanism in HashMap to store this key value pair. Answer is YES.
HashMap has a static class named Entry which implements Map.Entry interface. The Entry class looks like:

static class Entry implements Map.Entry {
final Object key;
Object value;
final int hash;
Entry next;
Entry(int i, Object obj, Object obj1, Entry entry) {
value = obj1;
next = entry;
key = obj;
hash = i;

// Other methods


Every time we insert a <key,value> into hashmap using .put() method, a new Entry object is created (not true is some cases. if key already exists, then it just replace the value).  Map internally used two data structures to manage/store data:

    Link List

Surely Entry class has key and value mapping stored as attributes. Key has been marked as final and two more fields are there: next and hash. We will try to understand the need of these fields as we go forward.
What put() method actually does?

Before going into put() method’s implementation, it is very important to learn that instances of Entry class are stored in an array. HashMap class defines this variable as:

     * The table, resized as necessary. Length MUST Always be a power of two.
    transient Entry[] table;

Now look at code implementation of put() method:Direct from google docs
view sourceprint?
02.* Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the
03.* map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is
04.* replaced.
06.* @param key
07.*            key with which the specified value is to be associated
08.* @param value
09.*            value to be associated with the specified key
10.* @return the previous value associated with <tt>key</tt>, or <tt>null</tt>
11.*         if there was no mapping for <tt>key</tt>. (A <tt>null</tt> return
12.*         can also indicate that the map previously associated
13.*         <tt>null</tt> with <tt>key</tt>.)
15.public V put(K key, V value) {
16.if (key == null)
17.return putForNullKey(value); hash = hash(key.hashCode()); i = indexFor(hash, table.length);
20.for (Entry<k , V> e = table[i]; e != null; e = {
21.Object k;
22.if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k))) {
23.V oldValue = e.value;
24.e.value = value;
26.return oldValue;
31.addEntry(hash, key, value, i);
32.return null;

Lets note down the steps one by one:

- First of all, key object is checked for null. If key is null, value is stored in table[0] position. Because hash code for null is always 0.

- Then on next step, a hash value is calculated using key’s hash code by calling its hashCode() method. This hash value is used to calculate index in array for storing Entry object. JDK designers well assumed that there might be some poorly written hashCode() functions that can return very high or low hash code value. To solve this issue, they introduced another hash() function, and passed the object’s hash code to this hash() function to bring hash value in range of array index size.

- Now indexFor(hash, table.length) function is called to calculate exact index position for storing the Entry object.

- Here comes the main part. Now, as we know that two unequal objects can have same hash code value, how two different objects will be stored in same array location [called bucket].
Answer is LinkedList. If you remember, Entry class had an attribute “next”. This attribute always points to next object in chain. This is exactly the behavior of LinkedList.

So, in case of collision, Entry objects are stored in LinkedList form. When an Entry object needs to be stored in particular index, HashMap checks whether there is already an entry?? If there is no entry already present, Entry object is stored in this location.

If there is already an object sitting on calculated index, its next attribute is checked. If it is null, and current Entry object becomes next node in LinkedList. If next variable is not null, procedure is followed until next is evaluated as null.

What if we add the another value object with same key as entered before. Logically, it should replace the old value. How it is done? Well, after determining the index position of Entry object, while iterating over LinkedList on calculated index, HashMap calls equals method on key object for each Entry object. All these Entry objects in LinkedList will have similar hash code but equals() method will test for true equality. If key.equals(k) will be true then both keys are treated as same key object. This will cause the replacing of value object inside Entry object only.

In this way, HashMap ensure the uniqueness of keys.

How get() methods works internally:-

Now we have got the idea, how key-value pairs are stored in HashMap. Next big question is : what happens when an object is passed in get method of HashMap? How the value object is determined?

Answer we already should know that the way key uniqueness is determined in put() method , same logic is applied in get() method also. The moment HashMap identify exact match for the key object passed as argument, it simply returns the value object stored in current Entry object.

If no match is found, get() method returns null.

Let have a look at code:
view sourceprint?
02.* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or {@code null}
03.* if this map contains no mapping for the key.
05.* <p>
06.* More formally, if this map contains a mapping from a key {@code k} to a
07.* value {@code v} such that {@code (key==null ? k==null :
08.* key.equals(k))}, then this method returns {@code v}; otherwise it returns
09.* {@code null}. (There can be at most one such mapping.)
11.* </p><p>
12.* A return value of {@code null} does not <i>necessarily</i> indicate that
13.* the map contains no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map
14.* explicitly maps the key to {@code null}. The {@link #containsKey
15.* containsKey} operation may be used to distinguish these two cases.
17.* @see #put(Object, Object)
19.public V get(Object key) {
20.if (key == null)
21.return getForNullKey(); hash = hash(key.hashCode());
23.for (Entry<k , V> e = table[indexFor(hash, table.length)]; e != null; e = {
24.Object k;
25.if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k)))
26.return e.value;
28.return null;

Above code is same as put() method till if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k))), after this simply value object is returned.

Key Notes to remember:-

1.Data structure to store Entry objects is an array named table of type Entry.
2.A particular index location in array is referred as bucket, because it can hold the first element of a LinkedList of Entry objects.
3.Key object’s hashCode() is required to calculate the index location of Entry object.
4.Key object’s equals() method is used to maintain uniqueness of Keys in map.
5.Value object’s hashCode() and equals() method are not used in HashMap’s get() and put() methods.
6.Hash code for null keys is always zero, and such Entry object is always stored in zero index in Entry[].

I hope, this article gives you some understanding about hashmap. If you find any difference or need any help in any point, please drop a comment.

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